Please be informed? that the A Level Administration at Lahore Grammar School 1A1 will now be as follows:
Mrs. Gul Rukh Rahman -? Principal? O & A Levels.
She will be assisted? by Mehrene Ali and Hamid Ali? .
We hope that? the student body will repose their? trust in us, and credibility is rebuilt to make the A Levels at 1A1 a program one that we can collectively be proud of.
The following statement is being issued by the Board of Directors of Lahore Grammar School (“LGS”).
LGS is an institution founded by Pakistani women. For over 40 years, we have been striving to ensure that our students receive an education in line with our ideals of equality and female empowerment.
The recent accusations of harassment at one of our branches have shaken us to the core. We have listened closely to alumni and current students regarding their concerns. The staff members implicated in harassment have been terminated. Members of the administration who allegedly failed to listen or take any action on the basis of complaints have been suspended pending investigation.
The courage of students/alumni who have voiced their concerns on social media, and who have been actively engaged in attempting to better their institution is commendable. We pledge to ensure that all complaints will be listened to and no student will go through the ordeal of feeling unheard. LGS is all about teaching students to use their voice to create a better world; it is fundamental now, that we listen.
And we are listening. Following a consultative process with students and alumni it has been decided that several concrete steps will be taken to address this issue including:
Formation of an inquiry committee which will look into allegations of harassment.
A handbook for teachers and students setting out what constitutes inappropriate behavior.
Mandatory training on harassment for faculty, staff and students.
The publicising of our anti-harassment policy on our website, on school bulletin boards, and in visible school areas to ensure everyone is aware of its terms.
It is our responsibility to do everything that we can to ensure no student feels unsafe at LGS. Each of our branches will establish systems and processes to create awareness and sensitivity and to ensure proper and fair handling of complaints.
As an institution we remain committed to creating a harassment free environment where all our students can flourish
Update about Harassment Issue
Director’s Office ( 02-07-2020)
A committee to probe the allegations against the suspended members of the administration of LGS 1A1 has been formed . The committee consists of senior members from the management of LGS and alumni representatives ( LGS 1A1 Collective) .
The Director, Mrs Ali ,will oversee the proceedings of the committee herself .
The findings of the committee will be made public upon the conclusion of the investigation.
Director’s Office
Update on the Harassment Issue
Director’s Office ( 1-07-2020)
As per the commitment made by the Director to resolve the issues raised by the students of LGS 1A1, our senior management and a group of student representatives ( alumni and current ) met and the following items were agreed upon.
The School Management was prompt and responsive and agreed to the Charter of Demands presented by the LGS 1A1 Collective. The School Management have, thus far, implemented the following:

Update on the Issue of the Harassment Charges from the Director’s Office .
In light of the recent highlighted allegations that have been brought to the attention of Mrs. Nighat Ali, Director Lahore Grammar School, the services of the four following accused employees have been terminated with immediate effect:
1/ Mr. Aitzaz Rehman Sheikh (A Level Faculty Member)
2/ Mr. Zahid Warraich (A Level Faculty Member)
3/ Mr. Umer Shareef ( Support Staff)
4/ Mr. Shehzad Irshad (Custodian Staff).
Further to this, the services of Mrs Shakil (Principal 1A-1), Ms. Maira Omair Rana (Administrator 1A-1), Ms. Rubab Hassan (Co Ordinator 1A-1), have also been suspended as of immediate effect.
Moving forward a full committee has been formed to investigate these above stated allegations by the student body.
Lahore Grammar School reserves the right to pursue all legal avenues if these above parties are found guilty of any mis conduct, to ensure that such instances are never repeated again.
Mrs Nighat Ali
Director Lahore Grammar School
About Us
At LGS, we believe that education as a process is neither restricted to lecture halls assessments and grading nor is it limited to the sports played on the fields or the
performance on stage. In effect, for us, education is more than the sum total of its parts. It is essential that we understand that education layers itself in various ways: in values, morality, patriotism and faith in humanity. It is what equips us with the ability to make a difference not only ourselves but also our surroundings, society and ultimately the world.
We therefore, invite you to think of LGS as a place of self-discovery and self actualization, where no child is left behind. Here, students will have the full support of our faculty as they pursue excellence in their academic and personal life. We hope to instill in ourselves and our students, a sense of responsibility as citizens of Pakistan even as we arm ourselves with knowledge and wisdom for the challenges that lie ahead.
Advanced Levels are a UK public university entrance examination and are recognized worldwide. The programme lays the foundation for the in depth preparation required for competitive higher education degrees and invariably make the transition from school to university/college easier for most students.
At LGS 1-A-1, the A-level Section is an autonomous unit , recognized by the Directorate of Cambridge International through their local representative, the British Council Lahore. The two year program focuses on specialist knowledge, insight and academic skills.
LGS 1-A-1 has been awarded ‘Cambridge Fellowship Status’, in recognition of the outstanding commitment demonstrated toward the Cambridge syllabus and assessments indicators.
Studying at 1/A-1 does not mean simply learning to memorize and reproducing the required subject matter. We train students to acquire academic and inter personal skills in subjects of their choice even as we encourage them to develop aesthetic and cultural sensibilities through a strong co curricular base.
Individual guidance is provided by a qualified guidance counsellor to mentor students when needed.
Our students benefit from the close personal attention of teachers who are dedicated experts in their academic field. Our acknowledged and proficient teachers ensure that the courses at LGS 1/A-1, comfortably bridge the gap between secondary and higher studies.
Rules and Regulations
? The reporting time is 8 o’clock in the morning if there is a class before 11 am, or 11’ o clock in case of a class after 11am.
? Students are not allowed to leave until 10:30 am irrespective of individual timetables. Once a student leaves she will not be allowed to re-enter the school premises.
? Regular attendance is mandatory. Failure in maintaining 85% attendance may result in inability to appear in CIE as a regular candidate.
? The School has a no tolerance policy for bunking. Missing classes will result in suspension. In case a student misses a class in the morning, she will not be allowed to attend any classes after 11 am.
? If a student is to stay behind after school hours she will be supervised for no more than half an hour. Parents must ensure that their daughter is picked up promptly. Furthermore, the school takes no responsibility beyond these timings.
? No carpooling is allowed without an application signed by a parent and a copy of the NIC to cross check signatures.
? Use of mobile phones is NOT allowed. Students may use the school telephone.
? Dress code: Students are to be dressed modestly. Tights, jeggings, short tops are NOT allowed. No makeup, expensive jewelry or expensive designer bags are allowed.
? In the case of student requiring leave from school, a written application and/or a medical certificate (in case of illness) is to be submitted.
? Each student will be issued a bio metric school ID card for signing in and out. It should be carried by the student at all times while on campus.
? A student’s promotion from A level first year to second year depends on the result of monthly tests, term test, attendance and class assessments.
? Please make sure to follow traffic rules outside the school’s premises to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to other people and maintain proper decorum.